sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Destruição criativa - o fim da maquina de escrever

A última empresa que produz maquinas de escrever fecha as portas:
Manual typewriters are officially dead technology, with the last factory still churning them out closing its doors.
The first commercial typewriter was produced in 1870. Over the next 40 years the technology evolved into a standardized format which contained most of the basic elements typewriters featured for the next 60 years. Then electronic typewriters were introduced and quickly became standard. At least until computers became personal and wiped out typewriters in all but developing countries.
With that in mind it’s no surprise that the last company manufacturing manual typewriters was based in Mumbai, India. And also no surprise to learn that Godrej and Boyce, the company in question, has now given up the fight.
Leia mais sobre o fim da maqina de escrever

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011

Chamada de artigos

Desse modo, para fechar a edição, solicitamos que sejam encaminhados, até 27 de abril:
1. artigos de professores, em conjunto com orientandos, e
2. artigos de professores (sem participação dos orientandos)
As temáticas serão divididas nas linhas 1) Inovação e Empresas e 2) Desenvolvimento Regional.
Os artigos devem ser remetidos para <>, incluindo os nomes completos, titulação e email.

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Call for Papers APEE

Call for Papers 2012
The Association of Private Enterprise Education
Las Vegas, Nevada
April 1 - 3, 2012
Wither Leviathan? Changing Roles for the State
The Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) invites the submission of papers for its 37th International Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada April 1-3, 2012. The Association is composed of scholars from economics, philosophy, political science, and other disciplines, as well as policy analysts, business executives, and other educators.  APEE’s annual meeting explores topics related to private enterprise in an atmosphere that respects market approaches. Presentations reflect the latest research in fields such as regulation, public choice, microeconomics, and Austrian economics, as well as development of instructional techniques. The submission fee for the society’s journal, The Journal of Private Enterprise, is waived for papers presented at the conference.
 APEE invites papers on any topic; some sessions, however, will be devoted to this year's theme: “Wither Leviathan? Changing Roles for the State.” APEE scholars have developed economic, historical, philosophical, and political analyses of the state across a broad range of time, place, and institutional arrangements.  The theme for this conference allows for an expansive exploration into both current and historical changes in the relationship of the state to its citizens through the lens of classical liberalism.  What were, or are, the ramifications of state action on a citizenry?  How has the state safeguarded or threatened free markets, personal freedoms, personal rights, and personal responsibility?  What state policies have served to enhance human flourishing and how are those policies being damaged or supported today? Topics are wide ranging and might address: constitutional arrangements; bailouts, crony capitalism, and business ethics; historic and modern corporatism; changing mores concerning debt and bankruptcy; state regulation of markets; monetary policies and institutions; corruption; militarism; privacy; the effects of state debt; the effects of state growth on more spontaneous orders of human cooperation;  and a diverse set of public choice topics, among others.
Explorations can be framed within all of the fields in which APEE scholars work.  APEE encourages papers exploring the conference theme using economic theory, through case studies, historical examples, and through traditional empirical methods.  The conference is interested in papers assessing institutional evolution in the United States and abroad, as well as papers on any topic in the broad area of the study of private enterprise.
The deadline for paper submission is December 1, 2011.
 Those wishing to submit papers should submit the entire paper or a 600-word abstract.
Papers and Abstracts should be submitted online at:
 Participants unable to submit online may forward a hard copy of the paper or abstract to:
APEE Vice President Bradley K. Hobbs
c/o J.R. Clark, APEE Secretary/Treasurer
Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
313 Fletcher Hall, Dept. 6106
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403-2598
Phone: (423) 425-4118, FAX: (423) 425-5218, e-mail:
If you have questions about paper topics or session panels, please contact Professor Bradley K. Hobbs at  To learn more about APEE, please contact: J.R. Clark, APEE Secretary/Treasurer (above), or visit APEE’s website at

Mais sobre o novo mercado de livros online

The Domino Project is a new way to think about publishing. Founded by Seth Godin and powered by Amazon, we're trying to change the way books are built, sold and spread. Find out more about our mission here.
Subscribers get free updates, alerts about seriously discounted pre-orders and our eternal gratitude. About The Domino Project
What happens when a publisher has a tight, direct connection with readers, is able to produce intellectual property that spreads, and can do both quickly and at low cost? A new kind of publishing, the brainchild of Seth Godin, and powered by Amazon.
The Domino Project is named after the domino effect—one powerful idea spreads down the line, pushing from person to person. The Project represents a fundamental shift in the way books (and digital media based on books) have always been published. Eventually consisting of a small cadre of stellar authors, this is a publishing house organized around a new distribution channel, one that wasn’t even a fantasy when most publishers began.
We are reinventing what it means to be a publisher, and along the way, spreading ideas that we’re proud to spread. Our core beliefs:
  • Exceptionally high quality ideas, created without regard for what bookstores and middlemen want.
  • Ideas packaged with cogency and urgency in mind, not a word wasted, no filler.
  • Permission at the heart of the model. Ideas for our readers, not more readers for our ideas.
  • Virality first. An idea that requires a direct sale won’t thrive in a world where the most powerful ideas spread from hand to hand. Create content that works best when spread, and then package it so it’s easy to spread.
  • Reward the sneezers who stand up and spread these ideas.
  • No patience for obsolete institutions. Bestseller lists are not worth compromising for.
  • Speed triumphs. Rapid time to market, rapid evolution, rapid response to reader feedback.
  • Format agnostic. Kindle, audiobook, paperback, collectible… all good.
  • Different products for different customers. A variety of price points and formats to match audience desires.
Find out more about Seth by reading his blog.
Some of Seth’s posts about the move to this sort of publishing are here, here and here.

Como as novas tecnologias transformam a publicação de livros

After centuries of not changing very much at all, the book industry is going through the same kind of upheaval as newspapers, Hollywood, and the music business are—and that means more uncertainty, but also more opportunity.
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Veja tambem

Sociologia e política da inovação nos BRICs

The one on the right has a toppled L-shape. The one on the left resembles an elongated S. If you believe the poor's prospects are L-shaped, you will tend to believe that they can gradually pull themselves out of poverty, since a small investment (in their livelihood, their education or their health) will yield disproportionate returns, paving the way for larger investments in the future. If, on the other hand, you believe their prospects are S-shaped, you will conclude that the poor are trapped. They need a "big push" to get them out of a rut and onto the sunlit uplands. Leia mais


Dia 09 de maio de 2011, encerra-se o prazo para submissão de trabalhos (resumos) nos GTs do 35º Encontro Anual da Anpocs, de 24 a 28 de outubro de 2011, em Caxambu/MG. Para a Submissão de resumos nos GT, clique aqui 
O Boletim eletrônico Nº 18 já está disponível: 
Secretaria de Publicações – tel.: (11) 3091 4664 – fax: (11)3091 5043

sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

A origem da tragedia do século XX

Anthony Gregoy explica:
"... But it is not just the CIA or recent U.S. foreign policy whose activities have come back to haunt America. Johnson goes all the way back to World War I to expose the calamity of U.S. interventionism:
On the eve of our entry into World War I, William Jennings Bryan, President Woodrow Wilson’s first secretary of state, described the United States as “the supreme moral factor in the world’s progress and the accepted arbiter of the world’s disputes.” If there is one historical generalization that the passage of time has validated, it is that the world could not help being better off if the American president had not believed such nonsense and if the United States had minded its own business in the war between the British and German empires. We might well have avoided Nazism, the Bolshevik Revolution, and another thirty to forty years of the exploitation of India, Indonesia, Indochina, Algeria, Korea, the Philippines, Malaya, and virtually all of Africa by European, American, and Japanese imperialists.
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sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011


Peter Klein's 2008 paper, “Opportunity Discovery, Entrepreneurial Action, and Economic Organization,” was named by Wiley-Blackwell as the mostly-highly-read paper for 2009 in the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. The paper offers an Austrian critique of the opportunity-discovery perspective in the academic entrepreneurship literature and suggests an alternative approach based on Mises’s and Frank Knight’s theory of profit and loss and the Austrian understanding of capital heterogeneity.

Inovação - a dialética entre fracasso e sucesso

The Economist explica:
"... BUSINESS writers have always worshipped at the altar of success. Tom Peters turned himself into a superstar with “In Search of Excellence”. Stephen Covey has sold more than 15m copies of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Malcolm Gladwell cleverly subtitled his third book, “Outliers”, “The Story of Success”. This success-fetish makes the latest management fashion all the more remarkable. The April issue of the Harvard Business Review is devoted to failure, featuring among other contributors A.G. Lafley, a successful ex-boss of Procter & Gamble (P&G), proclaiming that “we learn much more from failure than we do from success.” The current British edition of Wired magazine has “Fail! Fast. Then succeed. What European business needs to learn from Silicon Valley” on its cover. IDEO, a consultancy, has coined the slogan “Fail often in order to succeed sooner”...
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quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

Quem era Che Guevara?

Humberto Fontova explica:
"... His writings revealed a severely troubled young man. "My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"
The term "hatred" was a constant in his writings: "Hatred as an element of struggle"; "hatred that is intransigent;" "hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine."
His deranged fantasies included a continental reign of Stalinism. To achieve this ideal the troubled youth craved, "millions of atomic victims." ---
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quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011

O poder das idéias

Ludwig von Mises: "In the long run even the most despotic governments with all their brutality and cruelty are no match for ideas. Eventually the ideology that has won the support of the majority will prevail and cut the ground from under the tyrants feet. Then the oppressed many will rise in rebellion and overthrow their masters." - Theory and History

I. Seminário Internacional Brasil-Canadá na UFS

Palestra do Prof. Antony Mueller
"Facing the Challenge of Global Turmoil. The Position of Brazil in the International Monetary System"
19 de Abril de 2011
Data Show
Áudio Podcast

Bolsa de pesquisa FAPITEC

Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SE
Avenida Dr. Carlos Rodrigues da Cruz s/n, Centro Adm. Augusto Franco, Bloco B, Bairro Capucho, CEP: 49.081-000, Aracaju/SE
Tel.: (79) 3259-0363, site:, Fax: (79)3259-30071

Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe – FAPITEC/SE
Av. Dr. Carlos Rodrigues da Cruz s/n, Centro Adm. Augusto Franco, Bloco B, Bairro Capucho, CEP:
49.081-000, Aracaju – SE.
Telefax: (79) 3259-0363/3259-1853

terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011

Um problema intelectual

F. A. Hayek:
"... It was a sad mistake in the history of economics which prevented economists, particularly the classical economists, from seeing that the essential function of prices was to tell people what they ought to do in the future and that prices could not be based on what they had done in the past. Our modern insight is that prices are signals which inform people of what they ought to do in order to adjust themselves to the rest of the system.
I am now profoundly convinced of what I had only hinted at before, namely, that the struggle between the advocates of a free society and the advocates of the socialist system is not a moral but an intellectual conflict. Thus socialists have been led by a very peculiar development to revive certain primitive instincts and feelings which in the course of hundreds of years had been practically suppressed by commercial or mercantile morals, which by the middle of the last century had come to govern the world economy..."
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segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011

Como se tornar rico

"Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend," according to Thomas Stanley and William Danko, the authors of the seminal tome on America's wealthy "The Millionaire Next Door," first published in 1996.
"It is seldom luck or inheritance or advanced degrees or even intelligence that enables people to amass fortunes," the authors wrote. "Wealth is more often the result of a lifestyle of hard work, perseverance, planning, and, most of all, self discipline."
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A receita para a pobreza? Gastar mais que ganhar!
Altíssima inteligência? Herança? Não!
Auto-disciplina? Sim!

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Escravos brancos

For those who think of pirates as one-eyed rogues proclaiming “shiver me timbers” while flying the Jolly Roger, this interesting and exciting work will be full of surprises. Tinniswood has concentrated this account on the seventeenth century, when pirates based on the shores of North Africa consistently plundered European ships and seized captives, either enslaving or holding them for ransom. But these pirates were far from the freewheeling mold of Long John Silver or Jack Sparrow. They operated with the full support of the so-called Barbary States of North Africa—Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers. Those states owed nominal allegiance to the Sultan in Istanbul, and the government there saw piracy as a useful tool against the Christian West.Leia mais sobre este livro 

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011


Let’s Abolish Copyrights and Patents

Yesterday I had a chance to participate in a debate on whether we should abolish copyrights and patents at Whittier Law School. For those who are interested, here’s the audio.
I only had 15 minutes to make my case, and I wouldn’t expect to persuade anyone to the anti-IP position in such a short time. But perhaps I provoked some people to at least begin to reconsider whether we need government to grant these monopoly privileges — and to check out the important work on this subject by Stephan Kinsella and economists Michele Boldrin and David Levine. For an introduction, you can also read the chapter on “The Fight Against Intellectual Property” from my book, Libertarianism Today, courtesy of the Mises Institute.

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

Precisamos uma educação diferente, diz o autor de "Dilbert"

How to Get a Real Education. Forget art history and calculus. Most students need to learn how to run a business, says Scott Adams.

I understand why the top students in America study physics, chemistry, calculus and classic literature. The kids in this brainy group are the future professors, scientists, thinkers and engineers who will propel civilization forward. But why do we make B students sit through these same classes? That's like trying to train your cat to do your taxes—a waste of time and money. Wouldn't it make more sense to teach B students something useful, like entrepreneurship?
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Concurso artigo "Le rôle de l'or dans la réforme du système monétaire international"

Université d'Automne en Economie Autrichienne
30 septembre – 2 octobre 2011 – Troyes

La crise financière est-elle derrière nous? Les remèdes proposés : relance, endettement, sauvetage des banques, ont ils vraiment pansé les plaies de nos économies en berne? C'est à ces questions que l'Université d'Automne en Economie autrichienne veut répondre.

Convaincus que les politiques économiques actuelles sont à l'origine des crises et reposent sur des théories erronées, l'Université propose une série de conférences visant à présenter l'alternative offerte par les économistes de l'école autrichienne. Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek ou Murray Rothbard ont construit des outils analytiques puissants capables de rendre compte de la complexité des phénomènes économiques, en particulier celui du cycle économique.

Les organisateurs de l'événement s'adressent à la fois aux étudiants désireux d'approfondir leurs connaissances en découvrant une série de raisonnements cohérents pour expliquer la complexité des enjeux économiques, et aux professionnels désireux de comprendre le sens exact et les conséquences inattendues des politiques économiques contemporaines.

L'Institut économique Molinari et le site Internet 24hgold ont aussi le souci d'encourager une nouvelle génération à prendre la relève dans la production et la diffusion d'idées favorables à la prospérité des individus. Plus que jamais, le défi reste de réussir à communiquer des idées et concepts parfois complexes dans un langage et un style accessible aux citoyens raisonnablement instruits. Nous pensons que l'or a un rôle à jouer au sein du système monétaire international et nous proposons donc le thème suivant pour le concours du meilleur article 2011 : « Le rôle de l'or dans la réforme du système monétaire international »

Les détails concernant l'Université d'Automne et le concours sont disponibles ici.
Cécile Philippe
Institut économique Molinari

quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Limites da atividade do estado

The Limits of State Action Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) was one of the great thinkers in the history of the German nation and language, a leading light of the German liberal school that is now being rediscovered by a new generation of libertarians. This is his great treatise - an essential read for any lover of freedom.
He was a friend of Goethe and Schiller, a philosopher, a diplomat, an educator, and a specialist in language. He was also the inspiration for many generations of true lovers of liberty in the German-speaking world and beyond. In some ways, his spirit pervades even the works of Mises and Hayek and their contemporaries.
In fact, when Mises listed the five architects of classical liberalism, he named four English thinkers and one German: Humboldt.
"The true end of man — not that which capricious inclination prescribes for him, but that which is prescribed by eternally immutable reason — is the highest and most harmonious cultivation of his faculties into one whole. For this cultivation, freedom is the first and indispensable condition."
Ralph Raico writes: "If we ask what are the primary contributions of Humboldt to libertarian thought, we will find the answer in his ideas on the value of the free, self-sustaining activity of the individual, and of the importance of the unhindered collaboration — often unconscious — of the members of society."
The Limits of State Action, by "Germany's greatest philosopher of freedom," as F. A. Hayek called him, has an exuberance and attention to principle that make it a valuable introduction to liberal political thought. It is also crucial for an understanding of liberalism as it developed in Europe at the turn of the nineteenth century.
Humboldt explores the role that liberty plays in individual development, discusses criteria for permitting the state to limit individual actions, and suggests ways of confining the state to its proper bounds. In so doing, he uniquely combines the ancient concern for human excellence and the modern concern for what has come to be known as negative liberty. - J. W. Burrow is Professor of History at the University of Sussex.
  • Chapter I --- Introduction 3
  • Chapter II -- Of the individual man, and the highest ends of his existence 10
  • Chapter III -- On the solicitude of the State for the positive welfare of the citizen 16
  • Chapter IV -- Of the solicitude of the State for the negative welfare of the citizen n For his security 38
  • Chapter V -- On the solicitude of the State for security against foreign enemies 41
  • Chapter VI -- On the solicitude of the State for the mutual security of the citizens n Means for attaining this end n Institutions for reforming the mind and character of the citizen n National education 46
  • Chapter VII -- Religion 53
  • Chapter VIII -- Amelioration of morals 70
  • Chapter IX -- The solicitude of the State for security more accurately and positively defined n Further development of the idea of security 82
  • Chapter X -- On the solicitude of the State for security with respect to actions which directly relate to the agent only (Police laws) 86
  • Chapter XI -- On the solicitude of the State for security with respect to such of the citizens’ actions as relate directly to others (Civil laws) 94
  • Chapter XII -- On the solicitude of the State for security as manifested in the juridical decision of disputes among the citizens 106
  • Chapter XIII -- On the solicitude for security as manifested in the punishment of transgressions of the State’s laws (Criminal laws) 110
  • Chapter XIV --- On the solicitude of the State for the welfare of minors, lunatics, and idiots 127
  • Chapter XV -- Measures for the maintenance of the State n Completion of the theory 134
  • Chapter XVI -- Practical application of the theory proposed 139
  • Index 149
  • Comparative table of subjects in Wilhelm von Humboldt's Limits of State Action and John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

Desenvolvimento econômico - o papel do empreendedor

A grande maioria dos livros didáticos de macroeconomia moderna trata as questões do crescimento econômico e do desenvolvimento como um problema da acumulação de capital e do progresso tecnológico. Mas essa limitação é deficiente, pois deixa de fora o papel do empreendedor como o principal agente da promoção do progresso econômico. É somente atentando para o papel do empreendedor que as perguntas podem ser respondidas a respeito de quem orienta a acumulação de capital, quem decide que tipo de capital será investido, e quais entre as diversas opções tecnológicas serão escolhidas. A fim de descobrir por que alguns países prosperam e outros não, o empreendedorismo deve ser incorporado no corpo da teoria econômica do crescimento e do desenvolvimento...
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O declínio da educação nos Estados Unidos

College: “Experience,” Yes; Education, Zilch

Lew, as the prices rise and the knowledge plummets on college campuses, “professors” do hare-brained research (usually taxpayer-funded and reviewed by their pliable “peers”) while TA’s teach the undergrads all the boring requirements.
Market common sense tells us this is a hard sell – so colleges don’t sell it. Instead of an education, they sell the “experience.” Climbing walls, country-club facilities (also taxpayer-funded), lotsa sex, booze, drugs, and rockn’roll (too coarse to link, trust me), and “friends for life.”
Here is the dirty little secret: 99% of colleges and universities need a sizable majority of students who are paying full freight (including those accumulating student debt). And they will do anything to get them. From the marketing point of view, education itself is not a high priority.
Social life, sports, alumni connections — all of those are a much easier sell. And, since they are higher priorities in the sell, they are also higher priority once the student gets in.
No wonder seniors know less than the incoming freshmen after four years of the fun-filled frivolity of a painless frontal lobotomy (with apologies to Tom Waits).

terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2011

Greatness - como ganhar excelência

"... great men aren’t born; great men are made, and they’re made through the process of deliberate practice.
What Is Deliberate Practice?
In the book Talent is Overrated, Fortune magazine editor, Geoff Colvin highlights recent studies that show that greatness can be developed by any man, in any field, through the process of deliberate practice. How does one practice deliberately? Colvin proposes five elements that allow a man to practice deliberately and thus achieve greatness.
1. Deliberate practice is an activity designed specifically to improve performance, often with a teacher’s help
2. The practice activity can be regularly repeated.
3. The practice activity provides feedback on a continual basis.

4. Deliberate practice is highly demanding mentally, whether it’s purely physical or mental.
5. Deliberate practice isn’t much fun.
Leia mais para aprender como você pode se tornar de ser mestre na disciplina de sua escolha.

Lincoln - o liberador dos negros?

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
~ Abraham Lincoln, Debate with Stephen Douglas, Sept. 18, 1858, in Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858 (New York: Library of America, 1989), pp. 636-637.

Evento na UFS

14:30 – 17:00: Mesa redonda: o Canadá e o Brasil face à crise mundial
Moderador: Israel Roberto Barnaté (NURI/UFS)
Ian Roberge (YORKU): Canada and the Global Financial Crisis: A Model to Follow?
Antony Mueller (Departamento de Economia/UFS): Facing the Challenge of Global
Turmoil. The Position of Brazil in the International Monetary System.
Mais informações:

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

Evento em Porto Alegre

II Seminário de Escola Austríaca 9 e 10 de Abril de 2011
Domingo, 10 de Abril, 14 horas:
"Cenário Econômico Internacional- Inflação ou Deflação"
Mesa Debate com
Dalton Gardimam (economista-chefe Bradesco Corretora) e
Antony Mueller (UFS)
Teatro do CIEE, em Porto Alegre
Programação completa

terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011

Copiar não é roubar

XX - O século do coletivismo incluindo os Estados Unidos

Mao Zedong famously ordered population shifts from the city to the country in the name of some far-flung ideology. Lesser known is the fact that Eleanor Roosevelt did the same! Back to the Land by C.J. Maloney tell the entire pathetic and disgusting story in this micro-economic look at the atrocity of New Deal economic policies.
This is the true story of Arthurdale, West Virginia, a town created as a "pet project" of the Roosevelts. Designed to be (in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt) "a human experiment station", she was to create a "New American" citizen who would embrace a collectivist form of life. This book tells the story of what happened to the people resettled in Arthurdale and how the policies implemented there shaped America as we know it. Arthurdale was the foundation upon which modern America was built.
Many books have examined the larger picture. But somehow, looking at the details of this smaller picture paints an even more devastating picture for the status of the New Deal. Arthurdale shows the massive financial disaster that government created and how it ended in destroyed lives and ruined economic prospects for an entire region. You wonder what went wrong in West Virginia? Here is the untold story.
Back to the Land is a valuable addition to economic and historical literature. It is beautifully written,with elaborate detail about regular life under economic dictatorship. We gain real insight into the minds of the fanatics at the top who believed that central planning would solve all problems.
This is history that New Deal partisans would glad to have suppressed forever. But thanks to Maloney, it will be remembered as yet another case study in the economic failure of socialism.
Arthurdale was the most dramatic social engineering experiment ever undertaken in the United States - a place where the collectivists had their way. That they created such a calamity should serve as a dire warning to us all.

Metodologia e o problema do valor - dica para pensar

Why Do I Love George Bush So Much?

Anthony, whenever someone says that it was okay to nuke tens of thousands of unarmed civilians to allegedly save a million lives of armed soldiers, I ask him two questions. The first was posed by Ralph Raico:
Let’s say the U.S. hadn’t yet developed the atomic bomb, so Truman sent in the U.S. Army with machine guns to shoot all of the civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Would that have been okay?
If he responds “yes” (he may just be saying “yes” because he doesn’t want to admit that he is starting to see the heinous crime that Truman actually perpetrated in those two cities, regardless of the particular method used), I ask him this question that a friend of mine suggested to me after hearing Ralph’s question:
How about if the U.S. Army had rounded up all of the citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and marched them into gas chambers. Would that have been okay?
If he still responds “yes,” it’s time to steer clear of him. It means that Ira Levin’s book The Boys from Brazil wasn’t fiction.

Chamada de artigos

A Revista IDeAS [WINDOWS-1252?]– Interfaces em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade organizada pelos alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação de Ciências Sociais em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (CPDA-UFRRJ), está recebendo artigos para serem avaliados para as próximas edições. Lembrando que a revista recebe textos no sistema de fluxo contínuo. Isto significa que não há data limite para envio de propostas de publicação.
Para mais informações sobre os procedimentos e normas para publicação acesse o site da revista
Revista IDEAS [WINDOWS-1252?]– Interfaces em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade

Vaga na UERJ

EDITAL N.º 01/2011

A UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO - UERJ torna público o Edital de Concurso Público de acordo com o Processo UERJ n.º 213/2011, nos termos da Lei n.º 5.343/2008, da Resolução UERJ n.º 03/91 e do Ato Executivo 45/REITORIA/93, para provimento imediato sob o regime estatutário, conforme quadro abaixo:

Ciências Sociais
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1.1 - São considerados atividades dos integrantes da carreira do magistério na UERJ:

a) a docência, englobando o ensino, a orientação acadêmica e a orientação de trabalhos, teses, dissertações ou monografias;

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2.1 - São requisitos mínimos para nomeação ao cargo:
a)   ter sido aprovado e classificado no Concurso Público, de acordo com o que estipula este edital, seus anexos e retificações;
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f)    possuir título de doutor em Ciências Sociais ou Ciência Política ou Sociologia ou Antropologia ou História ou Filosofia ou Direito ou Economia, obtido em curso de pós-graduação credenciado pelos órgãos competentes em âmbito nacional, ou obtido no exterior, desde que o tenha revalidado no país, em conformidade com as normas vigentes, conforme Lei Estadual n.º 5.343 de 08 de dezembro de 2008.

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011

Etanol - caro e perigoso

"... You may have read about the high energy inputs necessary to squeeze corn (and other materials) and brew the mash into alcohol; that it takes more energy to make the stuff than you end up with – and that the energy it takes to make it is (you guessed it) mostly petroleum.
And you’ve probably heard about the way increasing demand for alcohol-laced fuels (mandated by law, of course) has been driving up the cost of food as more and more land/crops formerly devoted to production of stuff to fill our gullets is being turned over to production of stuff to fill our tanks...
Also that ethanol is less energy dense than gasoline – so your gas mileage goes down while the price at the pump goes up. Most of the “gasoline” sold today is in fact 5-10 percent ethanol. This less less-energy-dense fuel is no doubt part of the reason why even the best of today’s “economy” cars like the 2011 Ford Fiesta still don’t get better gas mileage than the economy cars of 25 years ago...
But here’s a new one, one not much discussed in the papers: Alcohol fuels – especially E85, which is 85 percent alcohol – constitute a new type of fire hazard because they are harder to extinguish than gasoline fires and require new types of fire-extinguishing equipment and training..."
Leia mais sobre a fraude de etanol

A criminosa guerra contra drogas

Leia o comentário de Michael Rozeff: "... Jailing Americans is a high growth industry. In the year 1880 in America, there were about 61 persons in jail per 100,000 (see Table 3-3 here). This had grown to 133 as of 1980, and then it shot up sharply when the War on Drugs and fixed prison terms for drug offenses were instituted. The incarceration rate and the number of persons incarcerated has grown very steeply since 1980...
It is implausible that Americans commit more violent crimes than any other people. It is implausible that American policing is that much more efficient at catching criminals and convicting them. It’s far more plausible that the War on Drugs and sentencing play a huge role in creating crimes and criminals that then fill the jails..."
Leia mais

Copiar não é roubar

Uma contribuição para estimular o pensamento crítico e o debate:

Evento na UFES

TEMA: Fronteiras do Pensamento e Desafios Teórico-metodológicos nas Ciências Sociais.
31 de maio a 3 de junho de 2010
As inscrições para submissão de resumos de trabalhos científicos para participação nos GTs serão realizadas exclusivamente pelo site, através dos seguintes passos:
7.1. Preenchimento integral do formulário disponível no link online ( e envio via e-mail: e para o e-mail do coordenador do GT escolhido (endereços eletrônicos disponíveis na lista de GTs no blog);

História do século XX

Rethinking the Twentieth Century

This weekend I carved out some time to read a good chunk of Ralph Raico’s excellent new book Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal, which brings together (often in expanded form) some of the author’s writings that have appeared in various outlets over the years.
When people ask me for living historians I admire, I always mention Ralph Raico, whom I first met at a seminar in 1992. His work reminds me why I am a historian: in a world of propaganda, I want to be a truth-teller. You will walk away from this book with the conviction that twentieth-century history is bound to be rewritten, and in a way that is not going to be flattering to the state.
One benefit of the Austrian renascence is that we now have more economists than the Austrian School has been able to boast in a long time. But as David Beito — who has some kind words for Raico’s book today — asked not long ago, where are our historians? I am convinced that it is books like this one, and the scholarly example of great mentors like Ralph Raico, that will inspire a new generation of libertarian historians determined to overturn the court history that flatters our rulers and glorifies the state.
Leia mais sobre este livro do meu amigo Ralph

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Lançamento do índice de liberdade econômica do Brasil

Lançamento do Índice de Liberdade Econômica 2011 da Heritage Foundation e Wall Street Journal - 5a. Edição em Português                      
O Instituto Liberdade junto com o Instituto de Estudos Empresarias vão lançar o Índice de Liberdade Econômica 2011 no Brasil, em português, durante o XXIV Fórum da Liberdade. O pesquisador da Heritage Foundation, James Roberts será o palestrante durante o Breakout Session do evento e falará detalhes do índice deste ano e os números do Brasil. A versão digital do índice ficará disponível no portal do Instituto Liberdade a partir de 13 de abril para download.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011