segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2017

Stop believing

Browse the cold and flu aisle at the pharmacy or watch certain famous doctors on TV, and you'll encounter a number of products claiming to boost your i ...

O mundo fora do governo

CALLING. HAYEK. !!! ("channeling" Mises... ?)
Complexity is too, well, complex for experts & elites ...
Real "experts" are those individuals closest to the point of exchange since they have skin-in-the-game & knowledge of the (subjective) value of what is being traded ... (same logic applies to voluntary charity in place of State-imposed welfare)
Society is past the point of being governed. We no longer need a president to function as a healthy society. In fact, the idea of central bodies of government…

Europa como sociedade aberta

"Western democracies are "open societies" in which neither the state nor religion try to achieve a monopoly of power or the exclusive claim on people's hearts. In between the state and the family are countless other institutions, from trade unions to stamp collecting clubs, from student organizations to churches and protest movements. This is the civil society. Before the fall of communism in 1989, all this was prescribed. The state (the Communist Party) controlled everything. In the Middle East (Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia especially), this remains the case. In Eastern Europe there is a burgeoning civil society. In fundamentalist Islamic society there is none. Why not? This book tries to find out why."
Western democracies are "open societies" in which neither the state nor religion try to achieve a monopoly of power or the exclusive claim on people's hearts. In between the state and the family are countless other institutions, from trade unions…

Por que os europeus são brancos?

Ancient DNA from skeletons shows dramatic natural selection on skin color and height in many Europeans

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2017

Deep State

Andrew Napolitano: The chickens have come home to roost

Fox News 

Meu novo artigo sobre o balanço comercial e mais

    My new article at Mises
    Germany is currently the country with the largest trade surplus, and many Germans think that this is a good thing. In the United States, the situation is the reverse. The US has the world’s largest trade deficit. It amounts to USD 502.25 billion for 2016.

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2017

A grande crise ainda esta chagando

Historian Neil Howe on Bannon, Trump, and the possibility of civil war in the US

Business Insider Mon, Feb 20 9:00 PM PST

Crítica do governo paternal

“Um governo que fosse fundado sobre o princípio da benevolência para com o povo, tal como a do pai para com os filhos, quer dizer, um governo paternal (imperium paternale), no qual, por consequência, os súbditos, quais filhos menores, incapazes de decidir do que para eles é verdadeiramente útil ou prejudicial, são obrigados a comportar-se de maneira unicamente passiva, a fim de esperar apenas do juízo do Chefe de Estado o modo como devem ser felizes, e apenas da sua bondade que ele igualmente o queira — um tal governo, digo, é o maior despotismo que se pode conceber”.
— Kant, “Teoria e Prática”, 1793, II, p. 31

segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2017


The Economic Evil of Eugenics

Eugenics has haunted the social sciences for the better part of two centuries. Historically, as a social movement, its most ardent advocates were the progressives, while in economics its most famous champion was John Maynard Keynes. Recently, the history of the eugenics movement has been studied in detail in Thomas Leonard’s masterpiece, Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era (you can read a review here, and Leonard’s own survey of the topic here). Yet although the rhetoric of public policy has changed since the heyday of eugenics a century ago, economic policies with eugenic implications persist almost unnoticed in the 21st century.

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2017


A grande dívida que os brancos tem com os negros por 400 anos de escravidão é provavelmente a maior mentira já contada na história. O p...


"Appearances are of four kinds: things either are as they appear to be; or they neither are nor appear to be; or they are but do not appear to be; or they are not and yet appear to be."
~ Epicteto

Uma curta história do ser humano do Hans Hoppe

"A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline represents nothing less than a sweeping revisionist history of mankind, in a concise and readable volume. Hans-Hermann Hoppe skillfully weaves history, sociology, ethics, and Misesian praxeology to present an alternative --and highly challenging — view of human economic development over the ages.
"As always, Hoppe addresses the fundamental questions as only he can. How do family and social bonds develop? Why is the concept of priv...ate property so vitally important to human flourishing? What made the leap from a Malthusian subsistence society to an industrial society possible? How did we devolve from aristocracy to monarchy to social democratic welfare states? And how did modern central governments become the all-powerful rulers over nearly every aspect of our lives?
"Hoppe examines and answers all of these often thorny questions without resorting to platitudes or bowdlerized history. This is Hoppe at his best: calmly and methodically skewering sacred cows."
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A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline represents nothing less than a sweeping revisionist history of mankind, in a concise and readable volume. Hans-H...

Dentro da mente de Karl Marx

  • "Der jüdische Nigger Lassalle, der glücklicherweise Ende dieser Woche abreist, hat glücklich wieder 5000 Taler in einer falschen Spekulation verloren. Der Kerl würde eher das Geld in den Dreck werfen, als es einem "Freunde" pumpen, selbst wenn ihm Zinsen und Kapital garantiert würden. ... Es ist mir jetzt völlig klar, dass er, wie auch seine Kopfbildung und sein Haarwuchs beweist, von den Negern abstammt, die sich dem Zug des Moses aus Ägypten anschlossen (wenn nicht seine Mutter oder Großmutter von väterlicher Seite sich mit einem nigger kreuzten). Nun, diese Verbindung von Judentum und Germanentum mit der negerhaften Grundsubstanz müssen ein sonderbares Produkt hervorbringen. Die Zudringlichkeit des Burschen ist auch niggerhaft." - Marx an Engels, 1862. MEW 30, S. 257-259.

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2017

Liberdade econômica no mundo

The 2017 Index of Economic Freedom is out. Some big and small changes.
Economics  The 2017 Index of Economic Freedom is out February 16, 2017 Stephen Hicks 0 Comment Some items from the 2017 Index of Economic Freedom that stood out to me: * USA falls from 11th to 17th. * United Arab Emirates rises from 25th to 8th. * Chile falls from 7th to 10th. * Argentina rises from...

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2017

Abelhas artificias para polinação

Matrimonio em declínio

It was, of course, only a question of time until the institution of marriage would be destroyed after the take-over by the state. Only fools still marry in the face of current legislation and the way so-called judges rule divorce cases.
Marriage is in retreat and cohabitation is on the advance, with negative implications for children.

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2017

Gastos para saúde e expectativa da vida

Contra o determinismo

'The future is too interesting and dangerous to be entrusted to any predictable, reliable agency. We need all the fallibility we can get. Most of all, we need to preserve the absolute unpredictability and total improbability of our connected minds. That way we can keep open all the options, as we have in the past.' -Lewis Thomas, The Lives of a Cell

Sobre a destrutiva educação de administração

Rana Foroohar: "Why has business education failed business? Why has it fallen so much in love with finance and the ideas it espouses? It’s a problem with deep roots, which have been spreading for decades. It encompasses issues like the rise of neoliberal economic views as a challenge to the postwar threat of socialism. It’s about an academic inferiority complex that propelled business educators to try to emulate hard sciences like physics rather than take lessons from biology or the humanities. It dovetails with the growth of computing power that enabled complex financial modeling. The bottom line, though, is that far from empowering business, MBA education has fostered the sort of short-term, balance-sheet-oriented thinking that is threatening the economic competitiveness of the country as a whole." Archive pick:

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2017

Nova edição da "Sinopse Econômica"

Nova edição da "Sinopse Econômica"
Sumário Página 1. Global Economic Overview............ 05 Key Economic Indicators.......................... 06 (2) Top Macro themes.................................. 07 (1) Global Scenario..................................... 08 (1) Emerging Market Scenarios ..................... 09 (1) 2. Economia Brasileira ............................ 10 Indicadores Macroeconômicos.................... 11 (2) Atividade econômica ............................... 12 (2) Inflação, Moeda e Crédito........................ 13 (5) Finanças públicas .................................... 14 (3) Setor externo ....................................... 15 (2) 3. Economia Sergipana ........................... 16 Indicadores Econômicos............................ 17 (2) Atividade econômica ............................... 18 (4) Inflação e Crédito .................................. 19 (5) Finanças públicas .................................... 20 (3) (1) Antony Peter Mueller (2) Luiz Rogério de Camargos (3) Wagner Nóbrega (4) Fábio Rodrigues de Moura (5) Thiago Henrique Rios

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2017

O genocidio soviético

A week or two before Christmas I went to a drinks party and talked to someone who turned out to be a history teacher at one of Britain’s top-performing schools.

domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017

Sentir é uma forma de pensar

Feeling IS fast thinking. And emotions aren't always guilty of being irrational. Whenever pondering minds, always bear in mind Daniel Kahneman’s teachings on the brain.|Por Jag Bhalla

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017

A importância de se casar

Author Charles Murray responds to former Secretary of Labor Bob Reich on why people should get married. "Because it's the most important cultural institution...

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2017

Uso excessivo de medicina

At a conference in San Diego experts say more must be done to curb a growing trend of medical overuse that often subjects patients to unneeded surgeries, tests and medications.

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2017


American writer in the middle of the 20th century has his hands full in trying to understand, and then describe, and then make credible much of the American reality,' Philip Roth argued 55 years ago.

sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2017

Sociologia das expectativas

Capitalism as a System of Expectations: Toward a Sociological Microfoundation of Political Economy
Jens Beckert Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany
Abstract Political economy and economic sociology have developed in relative isolation from each other. While political economy focuses largely on macro phenomena, economic sociology focuses on the embeddedness of economic action. The article argues that economic sociology can provide a microfoundation for political economy beyond rational actor theory and behavioral economics. At the same time political economy offers a unifying research framework for economic sociology with its focus on the explanation of capitalist dynamics. The sociological microfoundation for understanding of capitalist dynamics should focus on the expectations actors have regarding future states of the world. Based on a discussion of what I call the four Cs of capitalism (credit, commodification, creativity, and competition), I argue that under conditions of uncertainty, expectations are contingent and should be understood as “fictional expectations.” The capability of humans to imagine future states of the world that can be different from the present is the central basis for a sociological microfoundation of the dynamics of economic macro phenomena. Macroeconomic dynamics are anchored in these “fictional expectations,” which create motifs for engaging in potentially profitable but ultimately incalculable outcomes. This shifts attention to the “management of expectations” as a crucial element of economic activity and to the institutional, political, and cultural foundations of expectations. The reproduction of capitalism is precarious also because of the contingency of expectations conducive to its growth.
Keywords capitalism, political economy, economic sociology, imaginaries, innovation, competition, consumption, economic dynamics, expectations, microfoundation

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2017

Sociedade e Economia

Society and Economy―a work of exceptional ambition by the founder of modern economic sociology―is the first full account of Mark Granovetter’s ideas about the diverse ways in which society and economy are intertwined.The economy is not a…

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2017


“Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.”
Edward Abbey