sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017

Energia "limpa"

The Global Wind Energy Council recently released its latest report, excitedly boasting that ‘the proliferation of wind energy into the global power market…


Será um centenário incômodo? Pouca gente parece lembrar que foi há cem anos que comunistas tomaram o poder na Rússia, no que ficou conhecido como a…

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2017


Dalrymple sobre pós-modernismo
(Fonte: livro “Nossa cultura…ou o que restou dela”) Caso exista uma coisa sobre a qual o homem moderno se encontra absolutamente convencido, é a de que alcançou o estado de esclar…

domingo, 25 de junho de 2017

Os erros da legislação

"Nearly every parliamentary proceding is a tacit confession of incompetency. There is scarcely a bill introduced but is entitled "An act to amend an act"... The history of one scheme is the history of all. First comes enactment, them probation, then failure; next an amendment and another failure...and, after many alternate tinkerings and abortive trials, arrives at lenght repeal, followed by the substitution of some fresh plan, doomed to rum the same course and share a like fate." H. Spencer.

sábado, 24 de junho de 2017

Ciência sem fronteira

O Ministério da Educação (MEC) anunciou em abril o fim do programa Ciência sem Fronteiras (CsF), que concedeu entre 2011 e 2016 quase 104 mil bolsas, sendo 78,9 mil delas de graduação sanduíche no exterior. O ministério seguirá…


"Imagine you thought that helping the worst-off was what mattered most, but that free markets were the best way of doing it.
You might be a neoliberal: someone who thinks that lightly-regulated markets, free trade and free movement are the best way to create wealth and innovation domestically and globally, but that the state does have a role to play in redistributing some of the proceeds to the least well-off. 
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Imagine you thought that helping the worst-off was what mattered most, but that free markets were the best way of doing it. You might be a neoliberal: some

segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017


The Endless – Bizarre Allure – of Socialism

CNS News 


"Science is based on fact, right? Cold, unchanging, unarguable facts. Perhaps not, says physicist Tara Shears.
"Tara is more inclined to follow the principles of the Anglo-Austrian philosopher, Karl Popper. He believed that human knowledge progresses through 'falsification'. A theory or idea shouldn't be described as scientific unless it could, in principle, be proven false.
"Raised in a Vienna in thrall to Marxism and Freudianism, Popper bristled against these 'sciences' could adapt and survive to prevailing political and social conditions. They could not be proven false and so they were not science. The ideas of Einstein, by contrast, could be tested scientifically and might one day be proven false.
"An interesting principle certainly, but potentially demoralising for a scientist who could see her life's work dissolve in front of her eyes. Tara joins her colleagues at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva to ponder the implications of Popper's work. She also meets Popper's former student, John Worrall and string theoretician David Tong."
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How can we separate real science from mumbo jumbo? Physicist Tara Shears investigates.

Pare de estudar, começa a fazer

First post long ago

This is the first post, so let’s cut to the chase: In this blog we’ll be going through a series of 50 challenges.…


Imagine you aren't feeling well. You pull out your smartphone and click the Rx app. A nurse arrives in 20 minutes at your home, gives you a blood test, and recommends…


Etiquette is all about how to conduct yourself beautifully.|Por Bright Side

Energie alternativa

The Global Wind Energy Council recently released its latest report, excitedly boasting that ‘the proliferation of wind energy into the global power market…

Mitos da segunda guerra mundial

"American University professor, Peter Kuznick, destroys the WWII myths that have underscored US foreign policy since 1945. Peter co-authored The Untold History of the United States with Oliver Stone."
American University professor, Peter Kuznick, destroys the WWII myths that have underscored US foreign policy since 1945. Peter co-authored The Untold Histor...

O direito da dissociação

"Liberal, democratic societies all recognise freedom of association as a fundamental right. Broadly, every person is free to associate with whomever they want as long as such association is not a danger to society, to form whatever organisations they wish. What, however, about the obverse? Why should there not be freedom of dissociation – the right to withdraw one’s association from any organisation or body one wishes, as long as one is not a danger to society? Why should one...
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Lecture by Professor David Oderberg, University of Reading

Progresso tecnológico

This fantastic initiative by Samsung called the ‘Safety Truck’ had a huge...

domingo, 18 de junho de 2017

Vício brasileiro

Economista discute política monetária em seu novo livro: ‘Juros, moeda e ortodoxia’
  • Entrevista do André Lara Rezende a propósito de seu novo livro. A conexão entre juros excessivamente altos e a dívida pública é o tema da vez. Se não estivéssemos nessa baderna política era disso que deveráiamos estar falando, era essa a agenda positiva "fora da caixa".
    Leia mais:…/verdadeiro-vicio-brasileiro-a-de…

Lições de um viajante

"Today is my TEN YEAR travel anniversary! To celebrate, I made this video to gather some of my best travel footage, while sharing the top lessons I've learned in the last decade on the road. Soon after I made this video, National Geographic announced me as their traveler of the year!
"Here are the lessons one by one:
1. Happiness has no price tag...
2. Be an imperfectionist
3. The magic happens outside of your comfort zone
4. The world owes you nothing
5. Get busy living
6. Every single person is fascinating and can teach you something
7. It's OK to say "I was wrong"
8. The present is what really matters.
9. Be generous and kind to others
10. We're all making it up as we go"

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I'm a world traveller who immersed himself in local cultures & here are the lessons I've learned. Enjoy! Today is my TEN YEAR travel anniversary! To celebrat...


"If we expect, with Popper, that all our best theories of fundamental physics are going to be superseded eventually, and we therefore believe their negations, it is still those false theories, not their true negations, that constitute all our deepest knowledge of physics.
"What science really seeks to ‘maximise’ (or rather, create) is explanatory power."
By ‘Bayesian’ philosophy of science I mean the position that (1) the objective of science is, or should be, to increase our ‘credence’ for true theories, and that (2) the credences held by a rational thinker obey the probability calculus. However, if T is an explanatory theory (e.g. ‘the sun is powe...

quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2017

Preparando a 3. guerra mundial

The globalisation counter-reaction

The Economist 

terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2017

A origem dos portugueses

De Celtas a Romanos, de Lusitanos a Fenícios, de Suevos a Visigodos, de Árabes a Judeus... A mistura de povos que explica a origem dos portugueses.|Por Vortex Magazine

segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2017

O mito da paz andaluziana

O mito, originado no séc. XIX e ampliado em particular a partir da segunda metade do séc. XX pela esquerda, de que a ocupação da Andaluzia pelos árabes seria um exemplo perfeito da integração, tolerância e harmonia por parte do Islão (como Obama chegou a referir-se) é aqui despedaçado.
Scholars, journalists, and politicians uphold Muslim-ruled medieval Spain—“al-Andalus”—as a multicultural paradise, a place where Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in harmony. There is only one problem with this widely accepted…

sexta-feira, 9 de junho de 2017

O novo mundo de trabalho

Millennials are driving a resurgence of age-old crafts, choosing to become bartenders, butchers and barbers in part as a reaction to the digital age.

quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2017

A nova era de gelo

This image of the Sun was taken by NASA Solar Dynamics Observations mission on 15 July 2015, at a wavelength of 304 Angstroms. Image credit: NASA Solar…

Heidegger sobre Marx e a mudança do mundo

Legendado em português por mim.
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M. Sigognac: "A collection of some great articles to understand better what is post-modernism, and why we have to fight it.
"How French “Intellectuals” Ruined the West: Postmodernism and Its Impact, Explained :…/how-french-intellectuals-ruine…/…
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| by Helen Pluckrose | Postmodernism presents a threat not only to liberal democracy but to modernity itself. That may sound like a bold or even hyperbolic…


On June 6, 1944, D-Day happened. D-Day: the massive military operation known at the time as Operation Neptune that saw the United States and the Allies invade…

terça-feira, 6 de junho de 2017


More worrying than the internet’s role in the rise of far-right populism is the digital tsunami poised to engulf us: AI and and ‘crypto-anarchists’ are radically…

Nazis americanos

American Nazis in the 1930s—The German American Bund

In the years before the outbreak of World War II, people of German ancestry living abroad were encouraged to form citizens groups to both extol “German virtues,” around the world, and to lobby for causes helpful to Nazi Party goals. In the United States, the Amerikadeutscher Volksbund, or German American Bund, was formed in 1936 as “an organization of patriotic Americans of German stock,” operating about 20 youth and training camps, and eventually growing to a membership in the tens of thousands among 70 regional divisions across the country.  On February 20, 1939, the Bund held an “Americanization” rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden, denouncing Jewish conspiracies, President Roosevelt, and others. The rally, attended by 20,000 supporters and members, was protested by huge crowds of anti-Nazis, who were held back by 1,500 NYC police officers. As World War II began in 1939, the German American Bund fell apart, many of its assets were seized, and its leader arrested for embezzlement, and later deported to Germany.
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