quinta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2017

Fim do subsídio para universidades

pay for the education of other people's children.
So long as federal funding is given and received by institutions of higher education, campuses have little to no recourse when it comes to censoring certain individuals…

Culto de aposentadoria

"Quando uma pessoa se aposenta com 50, 52 anos, ela está tirando recursos de outras pessoas, da saúde, da educação", afirma o economista

Falta de gordura mata

Ditadura dos graduados

In much of Europe as well as the U.S., politics has become an elite activity.

Economia brasileira em perspectiva

No dia 31 de agosto de 2016, o Senado Federal decretou, por 61 votos a 20, a queda da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Após pouco mais de cinco anos e meio de…
ilisp.org|Por Gabriel Nemer Tenoury

Saibe a diferencia

Quanto mais alto o título, mais terrenos e poder o nobre tinha em mãos

quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2017

Cultura ocidental

Values aren’t a birthright: you need to keep caring about them. Living in the west, however you define it, being western, provides no guarantee that you will care about western civilisation. The values European humanists like to espouse belong just as easily to an African or an Asian who takes them up with enthusiasm as to a European. By that very logic, of course, they do not belong to a European who has not taken the trouble to understand and absorb them. The same, of cour...se, is true in the other direction. The story of the golden nugget suggests that we cannot help caring about the traditions of “the west” because they are ours: in fact, the opposite is true. They are only ours if we care about them. A culture of liberty, tolerance, and rational inquiry: that would be a good idea. But these values represent choices to make, not tracks laid down by a western destiny."
Pena o título enganador, o texto é bastante a favor da defesa dos valores ocidentais que são tidos como certos e seguros
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The Long Read: The values of liberty, tolerance and rational inquiry are not the birthright of a single culture. In fact, the very notion of something called ‘western…

Ampérica Latina 1799




Esquerda - direita

"Politicians and pundits have long disparaged their opponents with polemicist cries of "leftist!" or "rightist!" But with the fall of communism and the recent conservative ascendancy in the United States and Europe, many commentators have flatly declared that the traditional left/right distinction has lost its relevance. Now, even as political players scramble to redefine themselves with freshly "spun" labels, Norberto Bobbio asserts that the demise of the left/right distinct...
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Politicians and pundits have long disparaged their opponents with polemicist cries of "leftist!" or "rightist!" But with the fall of communism and the recent conservative ascendancy in the United States and Europe, many commentators have flatly…

terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2017


HANS KELSEN ( 1881 - 1973 )
"" o conceito de justiça está sempre harmonicamente influenciado pelos valores sempre variáveis da pessoa que o invoca , não existindo portanto uma justiça , mas sim cada um tem a sua própria justiça ""
no Livro "" a ilusão da justiça"" 2000, S. Paulo ( Brasil )

segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2017

Escravos brancos

Escravos europeus, senhores africanos: uma situação insólita que só nos últimos…


"There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely speak of it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. In order to truly be a master of this art, one must be able to see that every statement, action and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date.
"In other words, the majority of people in our world say and do what they do from their own set of fears, conclusions, defences and attempts to survive. Most of it, even when aimed directly at us, has nothing to do with us. Usually, it has more to do with all the other times, and in particular the first few times, that this person experienced a similar situation, usually when they were young."
How would your life change if you recognised that nothing is personal?

Rei Leopold II

The Butcher of Congo

By Baffour Ankomah, New African, October 1999

Only 90 years ago, the agents of King Leopold II of Belgium massacred 10 million Africans in the Congo. Cutting off hands as we see in Sierra Leone today, was very much part of Leopold's repertoire. Today, Leopold's "rubber terror" has all been swept under the carpet. Adam Hochschild calls it "the great forgetting" in his brilliant new book, King Leopold's Ghost, recently published by Macmillan. This is a story of greed, exploitation and brutality that Africa and the world must not forget.
This story is actually best understood when told in reverse order. Leopold never set foot in "his" Congo Free State - for all the 23 years (1885-1908) he ruled what Hochschild calls "the world's only colony claimed by one man".
It was a vast territory which "if superimposed on the map of Europe", says Hochschild, "would stretch from Zurich to Moscow to central Turkey. It was bigger than England, France, Germany, Spain and Italy combined. Although mostly rainforest and savannah, it also embraced volcanic hills and mountains covered by snow and glaciers, some of whose peaks reached higher than the Alps."

Congo Belga

Em 1885 o Congo se tornou a propriedade privada do rei Leopoldo II. Saiba por que os defensores das privatizações convenientemente não querem lembrar disso.

Declínio em inteligência

A new study by researchers in Europe claims that the average IQ of people in Western nations fell by an average of 14 points between 1889 and 2004.


São Paulo foi o estado brasileiro que mais reduziu homicídios no Brasil e se tornou o estado menos violento do país. Na última década, a taxa de assassinatos no estado caiu 44%, enquanto que 20 estados brasileiros tiveram crescimento da violência. Em relação ao período mais violento, em 1999, a redu...

Comunismo e nazismo

WHY ISN'T COMMUNISM AS HATED AS NAZISM? A good question. Nazism has received more bad press. When FDR was president, he referred to Stalin as "Uncle Joe." In terms of the number of people killed, Mao (China) comes in first, followed by Stalin. Hitler comes in a poor third. Yet Hitler and his Nazi buddies get all the bad press. The English translation of the NAZI party is the National Socialist German Workers' Party. They were socialists. Since Hitler came to power through the democratic process, you could truthfully say that the NAZIs were just a bunch of democratic socialists.
When people think of humanity's greatest evils, why is "communism" rarely mentioned? After all, it has caused more suffering than any other ideology, including Nazism. Watch Dennis Prager's account of communism's horrific legacy.

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

O legado do comunismo

O site 'Museu Vítimas dos Comunistas' expõe tendência mundial para retificar danos causados às vítimas do comunismo ao longo da história.

A realidade criada pela mente

"Some claim consciousness, our inner awareness, is part of a 'cosmic consciousness'. Not only is consciousness the deepest reality, but also it brought into existence the totality of reality. This would mean that mind, the mental, is fundamental and primary, while the entire physical universe is derivative and secondary."
Some claim consciousness, our inner awareness, is part of a 'cosmic consciousness'. Not only is consciousness the deepest reality, but also it brought into e...

Fim da universidade

A ciência está matando as humanidades: eu não sou o primeiro a afirmar isto, nem serei o último. Os líderes norte-americanos estão apressando essa morte, seja…


Despite what you may have learned in school.

Dívida histórica

Em poucos anos, a corrupção dentro da estatal provocou nos cofres nacionais um rombo maior que o provocado pelo governo colonial nos séculos 17 e 18

Prática da medicina

A histeria feminina já foi um diagnóstico comum que, hoje, está completamente desacreditado. Em 1859, um médico chegou a dizer que um quarto de todas as mulheres sofria com histeria feminina. Outro médico catalogou 75
diariodebiologia.com|Por Karlla Patrícia Silva

Guerra civil amerciana não foi sobre escravidão

How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery Paul Craig Roberts When I read…

sexta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2017